Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Warm Welcome

To all students taking ECNF01 of July 2008 Intake,

Welcome to my Economics blog.

Many a times, economics both Micro and Macro had not a good reputation with students as it had been (unfairly) labelled as a subject which is difficult to understand, impossible to master and generally uninteresting to explore.

Well, I am here to debunk the so called 'myths'..To me, Economics is a subject that helps us to basically understand the workings of the world we live in, combining the elements of sciences like business related studies as in accounting and finance, banking, human behaviour sciences as in sociology, psychology, mathematics and so.

It drills into us some sense as in how the markets function, how human beings react to various stimulations based on their self-interest, how firms/industries make strategic decisions and how government making important economic decisions like the hike in interest rates, monetary policy, change sin the taxation rates.By working together, it gives us an explanation that any changes in one market might cause ripples in others. It is an interwoven fabric that binds the elements.

Articles from various sources (print and internet media) will be included, and you are most welcome to query, question, discuss, analyse and offer a critique as a part and parcel of our learning process.

Please feel free to participate.

In the end , we learn.

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